Child Day Care Center Sample


Standard Operating Procedures.

How do we ensure that every child goes home with the items they arrived with originally?

New Customer Questions.

A man is on the phone asking if we would be able to accept his daughter since she has a peanut allergy. How do you respond?

Common Situations.

You look and see a mother bringing her child for the day, and clearly this child has a severe cold. What do you say, and do?

Child Complaints.

A mother is telling you that one of the other children torments her daughter. You have not observed her daughter in any distress, so how do you respond to this charge?

Security Procedures.

There is a couple going through an ugly divorce. This morning the mother dropped off their son. This evening, the father is here to pick up his son, but this is nearly an hour before the mother usually arrives. What do you say and do to handle this situation?

Unexpected Questions.

A potential customer wants to see the shot records of the immunizations of our staff. What do you say to this request?