Jewelry Store-Department Sample


Common Practice.

A customer starts complaining that jewelry stores should have the price of every item clearly showing so customers do not have to ask about prices. What is your reply?

Post Sale Disappointment.

A customer complains that the diamond he bought does not seem to look as brilliant after it was put into the mounting his fiancée chose. How do you respond?

Refund Policies.

A young man is back in the store. He was in just a week ago, and purchased an engagement ring. Today, he wants to get a full refund because the woman of his dreams has decided not to marry him. What do you do and say?

Going Beyond.

A young boy tells you he wants to purchase a small necklace for his mother for Mother’s Day. He wants to know if we have a way to buy it over time, since he does not have a credit card yet, but does earn money mowing lawns. What do you say?

Highlighting the Differences.

What is the most important trait a jewelry store and its people must have to be successful?

Common Complaints.

A woman is looking at some earrings and shaking her head constantly. After telling her the price of a pair of earrings, she comments that she will go online because there is too much markup in retail jewelry stores. How do you respond to this charge?