Postal and Package Delivery Sample


Beyond Our Control.

A man wants to know what good our guarantee is. He paid for an expedited delivery, and the flight his package was on, was delayed because of fog at the destination airport, and we have an exclusion for ‘acts of God’. How do you respond?

Appointment Deliveries.

An angry consignee is on the phone. She set an appointment for a delivery of a high valued item. The appointment window was four hours and our driver is late and has not arrived. She says she took an unpaid day off, and asks what good is setting an appointment if we so carelessly break them. What do you say to this charge?

Client Security Needs.

There is one section of town known for its higher crime rate. A woman is calling to say she does not want our driver to deliver her package without her being home, but she works until 7:30PM and the shipper did not pay for any special services. What do you say to this request?

Weather Problems.

It has snowed nearly 16 inches two days ago, and yesterday there were  no deliveries. While making a delivery today, a man asks you, “What about that neither snow, nor rain bit?” How do you respond?

Shipping Delays.

A man is tracking his shipment online and sees that his shipment headed west instead of east as needed. Clearly his freight will be delayed. He wants to know how much of a discount he will receive because of our mistake. What is your response?

Knowing the Business.

A woman says she needs to ship a small package to Tanzania and wants to know what is the most reliable method, to make sure her package arrives at the destination in good condition. What is your answer?