Quick-Service Specialty (Coffee) Sample


Common Situations.

Which would be worse for a drive-through customer?
1) Putting in the wrong flavored drink.
2) Forgetting to include the drink.

Policy Issues.

How long is too long between placing and serving a patron his or her order?

"Out of the Blue."

A customer is complaining that the food and drinks presented never look as appetizing as in the commercials and posters. What is your response?

Guest Embarrassment.

Almost every day an auto mechanic comes in to for his mid-morning coffee. Unfortunately, he always comes in covered in filth. It is not only distracting to other customers, but his leaving requires some serious cleanup. What do you say to ‘Mr. Pigpen?’

Sales Opportunities.

You are taking orders during a busy time. A customer wants to order an drink that is not on our menu. You realize that she is ordering an item heavily advertised by the shop down the street. What do you tell this customer?

Unusual Situations.

It is the morning rush hour and you are working the drive-through. A woman has not pulled forward and seems to be in a heated discussion on her cell phone.  Cars behind her have honked their horns, but she still does not move.  What do you do?